Participants January 20, 3494
Program Overview
Progress Reports & Updates
Reports & Papers

Program Participants

Besides Stress Engineering Services, Inc. (, the organizations participating in the current study are grouped into two categories that include Users and Manufacturers. The Users are the members of the Pipeline Research Committee International (PRCI) that include pipeline owners and operators that combine research funds to support advancements in the pipeline industry. The members are found on the PRCI web site located at The Manufacturers are companies that manufacture and install composite repair systems for the pipeline companies and other industries such as power plants, chemical plants, and refineries. The Manufacturers participating in the current study include those listed below. In addition to PRCI funding, it should be noted that these Manufacturers have all contributed significant funding in order for this program to be conducted. The designated years correspond to the durations of time during which the respective repair systems will be buried and burst tested.

  • Armor Plate, Inc. (10 years)
  • Air Logistics Corporation (3 years)
  • Clock Spring Company, LLC (3 years)
  • Citadel Technologies (10 years)
  • EMS Group (10 years)
  • Pipe Wrap, LLC (3 years)
  • T.D. Williamson, Inc. (10 years)
  • Walker Technical Resources Ltd. (3 years)
  • Wrap Master (3 years)
  • 3X Engineering (3 years)
  • Furmanite (3 years)
  • Neptune (3 years)
  • Pipestream (10 years)
On Wednesday, June 23, 2010 Stress Engineering hosted a Composite Repair for Plants workshop. Click here for details and copies of the presentations.

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